Adagiata su una dolce collina nei dintorni di Palermo, sospesa in un’ atmosfera di rara bellezza e idilliaca serenità, circondata da un meraviglioso scenario campestre e dalla migliore ospitalità siciliana, sorge l'agriturismo Antica Masseria Di Salvo.
About us
The farm House “ Antica Masseria Di Salvo” houses a very beautiful and comfortable bed and breakfast.
It can be easily reached from Palermo by highway, only 20 miles away. The area is called Tumminia and it is located on a wide green hilly countryside sloping down towards the sea.
When people reach the area they are astonished by the beautiful landscape where mountains Calamina and Pizzo Cane dominate with their great shape, about 2000 feet high, destination of quite interesting excursions. The very fertile landproduces wheat, wine and has pasture fields, and during the summer the colours and the perfumes create a magic atmosphere. This is the ideal place if one wants to escape city chaotic atmosphere and live a relaxing and regenerating time in contact with nature and its great gifts.
The casale is a noble high society eighteen century residence which blends harmonically history, old style architecture and nature. There is a wide pebbled courtyard as you enter the large wooden door where aged plane trees and flowers grow. Some of the rooms open into the courtyard.
You can easily reach Palermo by highway in half an hour, where you can enjoy visiting its highlights and treasures known all over the world. In the surrounding area it would be interesting to visit the natural reserve of Cefala and Chiarestelle, with the ruins of a fourteen century castle, the Ficuzza wood with its wild fauna, the old village Ciminna where the film producer Visconti toured some scenes of Il Gattopardo. The sea can be easily reached within half an hour . Palermo airport Punta Raisi is 45 miles away by highway.
In un territorio vasto e ricco di sfaccettature gastronomiche come quello siciliano, lo Chef Paolo Maiullari vi delizierà con prelibati piatti della tradizione, proponendo abbinamenti di gusto e raffinatezza.